07 August 2009

Medieval Nights - Complete with Tights! Part 2

Last weekend we went to a big Medieval dinner. The plan is that you start the dinner in one place, and then walk around the town to go to each of the courses. One of the things I LOVE about the organized dinners is that you get cups or wine glasses to take home. For this event we got these mugs that look like coffee cups without handles. Lindsey and I got ones that were rather dull, and Catherine and Ender got ones that were better... so we convinced them to switch. :-)

Ok, so this is what the street looks like since it has been decorated for the festivals.
This is the exit gate from the dinner. The best part about the dinner was that cars could not come into the walled city until it was over. It was nice to walk around and not have to jump into doorways when a car would come. 
This is the entrance. When the dinner was starting everyone was packed in here waiting to get in to pay for dinner. There were men in medieval dress with spears that would only let small groups in at a time. Lindsey, Michelle and I got stuck between the 3 men (they were like a triangle around us). They were pretty funny. 
I like the extent they go to decorating things. They covered up the street signs with paper. :-)
This is the shield of the Crux Burgi contrada, where first course was.
Here come the drummers! Sorry it's a bit blurry, but the photos don't come out so well with flash.
More drummers.
I don't know who the guy in the black and white is supposed to be, but he seemed pretty important.
They are going into where the first course is to make an announcement. 
This is the archaeological museum. You might remember it from the wine festival a while back. We have class right next to this, so we are here quite often. The guy in the white shirt with the cap is named Marco (as are his two best friends, yep, Marco, Marco, Marco) and he is the juggler for the evening.
They are waiting to give us our food and wine. 
The rest of the stops on the tour got a little crazy and a little crowded, so the photos did not come out too well. Let's just say that at the meat station there was a crowd, we waited for an hour because we realized there was no real exit. It was a lot of fun though.

Here we all are: Lindsey, Verity (our professor's really nice daughter), Isabel, Emily, Me, and Kate. Kate and Lindsey are modeling the mugs. 
Ciao Ciao!!! 

1 comment:

  1. I wanna go back! I missed the tights! AND I think I already need a break! You're so funny.
