14 July 2009

It's so hard to say goodbye...

Sadly, with all the fun we had this week there was one black cloud, we had to say goodbye to John and Jane. We figured we may as well make a night of it, so we did it Italian style and went out for a dinner. Here is my dinner, a paddletown salad (weird name right?). It is AMAZING! Romaine, swiss cheese (we think), walnuts, tomatoes, kiwi (you weren't expecting that were you?), pears and I think cucumbers. It is so amazing and yummy!
Michael, Lindsey's boyfriend arrived last Friday. He is hilarious!
Here Emily and I were trying to take a picture on both her camera and mine. First, I looked at my camera, she looked at hers.
Then she looked at my camera and I looked at hers.
Then we found it really funny that we couldn't get it right yet.
Finally we had success!
Isabel is just a blast. I can't exactly remember what she is doing here, but I can guarantee you that it was funny!
At some point during the night we all decided it was fun to take random pictures when no one was expecting them. Here Emily tried to catch us off guard, but I saw her coming.
Jane, John and I.
The group.
I am currently in Rome with Emily where we are hoping to catch a showing of Harry Potter in English. Then tomorrow my family (Mom, Kelly & Luis) arrive. SO EXCITED!!

Ciao Ciao!!


  1. HP - going to see it Saturday morning. Leave impressions! Awesome you didn't have to move too far. It's weird seeing just a slightly moved view of the same window view, lol.

  2. It was very nice to not have to move too far! :-) Harry Potter was AWESOME! :-) I highly recommend it!

  3. Did you ever get that award I ran for you? I almost forgot about it, lol.

    I think it was for the company you were working for, if I recall correctly.

  4. I did actually! Thanks for such a good job! :-)
